Monday, September 16, 2024

Heart & Mindset, MOS Certifications, Ghost Postings, AI & Facial Recognition

Just had the third class session this past Saturday :-)

Bonus Quiz 1 - Syllabus is closed. Almost all students have cleaned up and completed their A1 Accounts Setup and Professional Communication, the beginning of A2 Blog, and the first three Threaded DiscussionsBonus Quizzes 2 and 3 are awaiting remaining students to take them before this coming Saturday. Kendra, Jenae, and Karylle distinguished themselves with their excellent performance while the remaining six seventh of the class occupy the entire spectrum of coursework progress and academic efficacy as they work through the first three chapters in LabSim.

The twenty one students -- all real humans with no ghost students -- on the class roster reflect diverse backgrounds and walks of life: from freshly out of high school to seasoned professionals looking to improve their career prospects, from born and raised in Las Vegas to the newly arrived (from a neighboring state to from other side of the globe), and from suffering a fresh heartbreak to continuously adapting to life after surviving a near-fatal automobile accident!

The first of three videos below is not only for the student who is continuously adapting to life but for all students -- all people actually:

(1) Neil deGrasse Tyson's Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE
By Motivation2Study, July 26, 2020

Two students who have been on this planet the longest verbalized their desire to earn Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certificates to bolster their resume and marketability for the workplace. They won't qualify to compete in the annual competition by Certiport but several of their younger classmates will.

(2) Microsoft Office Specialist in the Workforce
By Certiport, February 20, 2024

Three students -- likely more -- are looking for their next/better employment. My previous blog post mentioned 'ghost students' but have you heard of 'ghost jobs'?

(3) What the Rise of Fake Job Listings Say about the Job Market
By CNBC, August 22, 2024

Click on the image for a larger and more clear view

Even if a job posting maybe 'ghost', one should still do one's best to prepare and stand out in the application and interview processes. At the very top of A3 Tailored Cover and Resume is

Artificial Intelligence: The Robots Are Now Hiring (a 10-minute video and a half-page article)
By Wall Street Journal, September 20, 2018

The first task (the only A3 task that is required for IS101-3004, Fall 2024) forms the first half of Threaded Discussion 4 by asking students to share a job hunting/interviewing experience. I will anonymize everyone's experiences and use them as a future discussion later in the semester.

I wonder how many students will reach out to me to take their Bonus Quizzes 2 and 3 before this coming Saturday? I wonder how many students will prepare for Bonus Quiz 4 to be given this coming Saturday 7 am in our classroom?


In your comment to this blog post, please

 (1) Share your thoughts on one, two, or all three videos above tri-level image.

 (2) 'The Robots Are Now Hiring' is an excellent example of using artificial intelligence (AI) in workplace or daily life. Share an example of your own. Your example must be unique, meaning if another student who commented before you used that example of AI, you must re-comment with another example that has not been used.

 (3) Share anything else that comes to your mind from reading this blog post ^_^


  1. 1. In the past year I've known that fake job listings have become quite common, mainly through multiple friends. However, I never knew there was a term for it. All together my friends have probably applied to hundreds of jobs and have gained little to no results, despite seeming quite qualified for each position. It's been hard for those who want to move on from their current workplace and lately, the best solution has been to gain a job through someone who already has an 'in'.

    2. AI is something I have a love-hate relationship with. As someone who has grown up pursuing art and to this day is still actively creating as a hobby, it has been terrifying to see how AI programs learn and evolve. AI programs tend to learn from existing artwork, much of which has been known to be stolen and used without consent from the original creator. It's been sad to see many artists actively being discouraged from something they love as many companies now prefer to dabble in AI to save on costs, rather than having work produced by an actual person.

    However, as someone who works in a professional setting, I understand that AI is meant to be a tool to help perform tasks more efficiently. There's no running from AI today, even in my current job AI programs such as ChatGPT are actively encouraged and used to draft documents and to bounce ideas off of.

    1. (1) " gain a job through someone who already has an 'in' "... Based on your friends' experiences with ghost postings, I can see why you would deem that to be the best solution.

      (2) Hmm... I wonder what you would think of this 5 min 21 sec video: Artist wins photo award with AI generated image, sparking debate | DW News ( Even more importantly, what do you think of photographer Boris Eldagsen's rejecting his award?

      (3) Yes, there is no running from people wanting to use artificial intelligence today.

  2. 1. AI became a hot topic in the entertainment industry when studios wanted to use celebrity images created by AI without compensation. For people whose income is partly driven by their visage, this usage of AI was and still is a threat to their livelihood. AI images have created moral and ethical issues in multiple industries, and laws are developing regarding its use.

    2. I was previously aware of Ghost Jobs, During Covid they were very prevalent. Companies were stockpiling resumes for future use when people could return to work. I began to see the same patterns in the way the jobs were posted and for how long.

  3. 1. The meaning of life is to make your own meaning and what you want that meaning to be and how you make the most of what you have. And you will have set backs on the way of that meaning and through life as a whole. Life will never not be bringing you down, but it is your job to get back up and not let it push you down, and it will not matter with what you look like or rather what religion you are, there will always be problems to pass over.

    2. I have always seen AI as something that is unnecessary, but the people that I know that talk about it say, that it is the most useful thing and can be used for everything. With AI I have seen everyone use it for writing a paper with no real effort from the person that puts their name at the top of the paper, through and through I find AI something that is used as a convenience more than a tool that gradually helps you along the way, not something that does all the work for you.

  4. 1.“I will now become a lifelong learner.” This line had a massive impact on me. In life, we have experienced ups and downs. And in every situation that we face, we learn something from it. So, instead of dwelling on the negative impact, try to see the positive side of the situation.

    2.AI for me has a good and bad side depending on why you are using it. Example when you are editing pictures sometimes you need to use AI if you want a clean photograph, but sometimes other people use AI to fake some images in a negative way that harms other people’s image.

    3.Investing time in learning and doing something on your own will help you carry out things in the future.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. I watched the first video and to be honest I don't like it. I don't like when people try to contain my reality in a box. I want to live my life my own way, and create or find the answers for myself.
    2.One example of AI being worked in the workplace is how phone call centers use AI to direct people to what service they need. We have all called a Walgreens or our credit card company and an AI answers. I would say this method is very helpful for the company but very frustrating for the customers.
    3. One thing I am thinking about is gratitude. I just want to thank you for the care you have for your students and how you are trying to motivate them to create meaning in their life.

  7. 1) I was aware that AI was becoming a problem, but I never knew it was infiltrating job listings. I've heard of fake job listings or scams. This will make it a lot harder for people to apply for jobs not being able to distinguish which job offers are genuine, or simply AI.

    2) AI could be used positively or negatively depending on the person. I've seen a lot of people using AI to create their own art and market it as their own, which discredits many artists' hard work. I personally use AI when I want my emails for work to sound more professional or just to improve them.

    3) AI could be a very dangerous tool in this day and age, so individuals need to be able to distinguish real from fake. There are a lot of key factors that you can point out to distinguish AI from something real but a lot of people just scroll by and choose to blindly believe what they see at a glance.

  8. 1. I really enjoyed hearing about having the grit and determination to navigate through life and keep pushing forward. I was always using the excuse of hanging around certain people that brough me down in life, that kept me from graduating high school. But at the end of the day, it was my choice to be around those losers that never really motivated me in doing something good with my life. I could’ve navigated my life correctly, and not be stuck in the situation that I’m in now. But everything happens for a reason, there are far worse things that could have happened to me. Now I am here in college and very soon I will have an AA degree. I would like to keep pushing forward and learning most that I can.

    2. I agree in the video one hundred percent if you try working with someone that has no knowledge at all with Excel without any training they are going to go nuts. Trying to figure things out while you guys are waiting on whatever task you need to get done for that job. I find myself freaking out at times when I’m trying to understand simple tasks. But as time has been going on in the class. I view the LabSim as a video game now. I am getting better at it the more I practice. I still have questions sometimes when I get stuck. I don’t want to get ahead of myself because I am sure I’m going to have lots of questions in the future. But I’m trying my best.

    3. I think it is a little discouraging that there hasn't been any laws passed for these ghost jobs out there in the world. On one hand I do understand that the company is always out looking for the best. But it can also be inhumane to not care about the next man or woman that has just graduated college. Now they're out putting the best possible work for a good looking resume, to land a job they have studied years for to get. I think it is cruel in a way, and they really don't care to stop and really think about what they are doing, but it is there business, so what can you do?

  9. 1. I watched the first video a few times to really understand and grasp the intended message. During the video Neil deGrasse had an experience with Carl Sagan which confused him at first with thinking of himself as a nobody until he realized that he was somebody to Mr. Sagan. It accrued to me at that moment during the video that I share in that experience with Professor Wu. During his announcements and lectures he's willing to not only cretic us, but also encourage us to do the best in pursuit of our achievements not just doing well in that pursuit.

    2. ChatGPT is another example of the extent of AI has become. This AI has the ability to be a great tool for use of writing and language, however when it comes to siting a source of written, video, or verbal communication it can sometimes create ghost sources if it doesn't really know where a source came from or how to find it. This shows that with most AI that even though they can be very helpful tools in society. They are limited to the extents of their programs and are not without flaw.

    3. Ghost jobs I believe is one of the best examples that advances in technology and AI is not always going to lead to a better system. AI has created a tool of disconnection when it comes to the hiring workforce process. Being that the old system of needing to go to a desired job establishment, fill out a paper application including a resume, and sit down with an actual person to not only put a face to a name, but interact with an individual. With AI everything is mostly done with little to no human interaction which I believe has been a far more troublesome way of boosting the workforce than how it was done the old fashion way. Old saying being if it's not broke, don't fix it.

  10. 1. I watched the 3rd video, I figured that most of the places I applied had no intention of hiring me. But the real problems is that completely innocent and don't know any better.

    2. I remember back in high school Chat GPT had just started becoming main stream with student's. I had a computer science class and when Chat GPT became main stream a good chuck of them started using it so it go to the point were the teacher had to personally check if your code was written by you.

    3. It made me realize how much AI has effected us in such a short amount of time.
