Monday, September 30, 2024

Student Presentations, Experiences, Evolving Mindset

This past Saturday was the fifth classroom session.

In the last two weeks, many students gained their sea legs and began to thrive in their IS101-3004 coursework. The most visible part is A5 Slideshow Presentation. Two weeks ago, the trio of Steven, Ashton, and Danny bravely presented their individual topics with the class using their PowerPoint slideshows. Two days ago, Jenae and Karylle followed suit.

Click on an image for a larger/more clear view



Click on an image for a larger/more clear view

One-third of the way into the Fall 2024 semester, we have completed five bonus quizzes, wrapping up four threaded discussions/blog posts, and conquered the three shorter chapters in LabSim. LabSim does an excellent job of covering the plethora of digital literacy knowledge but some key concepts warrants an in-person walkthrough and interactive discussions. My lecture/demonstrations also include knowledge and concepts from my own experiences.

Click on an image for a larger/more clear view

In a few minutes after this blog post publishes, we will not only cross over from one month/quarter to another, but also into a new category of IS101 coursework: [Performance Activities]. This is where, after completing the [Learning Activities] for Microsoft Word, students embark on [Live Projects] and [Domain Practices] sections of LabSim where the training wheels of [Hints] and [Show Me] come off.

I believe students will adjust to this as at least one student has evolved his/her/their mindset from a student doing a brain dump on a bonus quiz to a person trying to explain a digital literacy knowledge/concept to a laymen such as a Beverly Hills character who does not have that knowledge/concept. I hope more students will also evolve his/her/their mindset :-)

A more strategic and urgent evolution is one of from 'chasing due dates' to one of 'when can I start & go forth and conquer'! I wonder how many student will quickly adapt this mindset so they can create more time for themselves to not only prepare for the upcoming Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) MO-110 Word certification exam but setting up the opportunity to earn more MOS certificates beyond what are required for IS101 ^_^


In your comment, please be sure to address these three points:

(i) The last time you acquired a computing device or the next time you will acquire a computing device, how have/will you apply & answer the three quintessential questions I outlined in 'Shopping for a Computing Device'?

(ii) How will you perform in IS101 after the first third of this semester? Has there been/will there be any evolution to your mindset/habits/practices in IS101 in preparation for the MO-110 exam and beyond?

(iii) Anything else you would like share your thoughts on from this blog post (e.g. bonus quizzes, student presentations, LabSim, a job hunting/fulfillment experience).

Monday, September 16, 2024

Heart & Mindset, MOS Certifications, Ghost Postings, AI & Facial Recognition

Just had the third class session this past Saturday :-)

Bonus Quiz 1 - Syllabus is closed. Almost all students have cleaned up and completed their A1 Accounts Setup and Professional Communication, the beginning of A2 Blog, and the first three Threaded DiscussionsBonus Quizzes 2 and 3 are awaiting remaining students to take them before this coming Saturday. Kendra, Jenae, and Karylle distinguished themselves with their excellent performance while the remaining six seventh of the class occupy the entire spectrum of coursework progress and academic efficacy as they work through the first three chapters in LabSim.

The twenty one students -- all real humans with no ghost students -- on the class roster reflect diverse backgrounds and walks of life: from freshly out of high school to seasoned professionals looking to improve their career prospects, from born and raised in Las Vegas to the newly arrived (from a neighboring state to from other side of the globe), and from suffering a fresh heartbreak to continuously adapting to life after surviving a near-fatal automobile accident!

The first of three videos below is not only for the student who is continuously adapting to life but for all students -- all people actually:

(1) Neil deGrasse Tyson's Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE
By Motivation2Study, July 26, 2020

Two students who have been on this planet the longest verbalized their desire to earn Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certificates to bolster their resume and marketability for the workplace. They won't qualify to compete in the annual competition by Certiport but several of their younger classmates will.

(2) Microsoft Office Specialist in the Workforce
By Certiport, February 20, 2024

Three students -- likely more -- are looking for their next/better employment. My previous blog post mentioned 'ghost students' but have you heard of 'ghost jobs'?

(3) What the Rise of Fake Job Listings Say about the Job Market
By CNBC, August 22, 2024

Click on the image for a larger and more clear view

Even if a job posting maybe 'ghost', one should still do one's best to prepare and stand out in the application and interview processes. At the very top of A3 Tailored Cover and Resume is

Artificial Intelligence: The Robots Are Now Hiring (a 10-minute video and a half-page article)
By Wall Street Journal, September 20, 2018

The first task (the only A3 task that is required for IS101-3004, Fall 2024) forms the first half of Threaded Discussion 4 by asking students to share a job hunting/interviewing experience. I will anonymize everyone's experiences and use them as a future discussion later in the semester.

I wonder how many students will reach out to me to take their Bonus Quizzes 2 and 3 before this coming Saturday? I wonder how many students will prepare for Bonus Quiz 4 to be given this coming Saturday 7 am in our classroom?


In your comment to this blog post, please

 (1) Share your thoughts on one, two, or all three videos above tri-level image.

 (2) 'The Robots Are Now Hiring' is an excellent example of using artificial intelligence (AI) in workplace or daily life. Share an example of your own. Your example must be unique, meaning if another student who commented before you used that example of AI, you must re-comment with another example that has not been used.

 (3) Share anything else that comes to your mind from reading this blog post ^_^